The L.E.A.D. Firm presents the “Kwanzaa Celebration and Virtual Culture Immersion Experience” to bring recognition and awareness of KWANZAA. This interactive experience will foster engagement of attendees and hone in on the beauty and necessity for “community”. This experience will teach and elaborate on the culture of Kwanzaa and also shedding light on the history of black culture.
Thursday Dec. 3rd at 3-6PM – Click here for details
Featured Events:
Spoken Word Performance
Language Immersion (Swahili, Wolof, & Igbo)
Discussion about Peace and Unity featuring Franklin McCain and Taylor McCain
Live Musical Performance
Historical Racial Injustice and The Need for Millennial Engagement featuring Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad
Virtual Light Ceremony
Premiere Sponsor:
Mervyn M. Dymally African American Political and Economic Institute (MDAAPEI); a non-partisan public policy center at California State University, Dominguez Hills