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June is All About the Brothers

(Black PR Wire) June is all about the brothers! With June being Men’s Health month, June 20th father day. We must show love to Men in media.

Men’s Health Month

Men’s Health Month is the perfect time to connect with the men in your life and remind them to visit their general practitioner and receive their annual checkups. According to 72 percent of men would rather do household chores than visit their doctor. This figure is even more severe in Black and Latine communities. Preventative care is the best defense against grave diseases such as cancer and other serious conditions.

There are also diseases that are specific to the male reproductive system, that needs to be addressed by special doctors such as a urologist. According to “ Black men are more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer and nearly 2.5 times more likely to die of the disease compared to non-Hispanic white men.” According to the source this is partially due to black men generally getting fewer PSA screenings.

Get in touch with the men in your life and encourage check-ups and maintaining their health.

Men in Media

Tyler Perry is media mogul with humble beginnings. Born and raised in New Orleans, he had a rough upbringing filled with poverty and abuse. From a young age, Tyler learned manage his thought and emotions using advice he received from watching Oprah. This tool was to write down his daily thoughts and experiences in a series of soul-searching letters to himself. This letter writing is what set his career in motion.

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Tyler Perry wrote his first play I Know I’ve Been Changed in 1992. Saving every dollar, Tyler staged the play for what he hoped would be a packed audience, but the seats remained empty. Little did he know, six years later, that same play would sell out a local run, forcing the production to move to the acclaimed Fox Theatre in Atlanta, or that in 2015, his original play, Madea on the Run, would be sold out in theaters nationwide.

Tyler Perry wrote thirteen plays in thirteen years. Tyler Perry made his way out of the theater and onto the big screen in 2005. And later into television with the TBS series House of Payne. Now Tyler Perry is the owner of the largest film production studio in the United States. He is also the first African American to own a major film production studio.  Tyler Perry fathers one son Aman Tyler, with his wife Gelila Bekele.


Denzel Washington is the biggest icon in Hollywood, a go to name when mentioning famous actors. He is a total actor working in both Film and theatre and winning the highest honor in each platform. Denzel and received a Tony, Oscar, Golden Globe, and SAG. A timeless actor, renown in all living generations. in films ranging from Malcolm X to The Little Things. Denzel Washington has contributed more to society than his unapparelled acting abilities. He is also Philanthropist that heavily supports the arts.

Denzel and his wife, Pauletta Washington, have worked with and donated to numerous organizations, raised millions for The Smithsonian Museum of African-American History, and starting a multi-million-dollar effort to renovate playwright August Wilson’s childhood home.

in addition to his millions of dollars of donations Denzel Washington has given to his community and supported aspiring actors throughout his career. Denzel Washington is the father to four children:  John David Washington, Olivia Washington, Malcolm Washington, and Katia Washington. Although, Denzel has children of his own he has been a father figure and touched the lives of many people through the art of his acting and his philanthropic endeavors.


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