Career Development Platform, C-CRETS Launches A Podcast and Executive Coaching Services to Help Underrepresented Professionals Elevate Their Careers
(Black PR Wire) Oakland, CA – Corporate professionals seeking to transform their careers can benefit from C-CRETS, a career development platform that includes podcasts and executive coaching. While announcing the launch of the Platform, Keith Powell, Co-Founder, said their aim is to help professionals, particularly underrepresented professionals, elevate their careers from entry level managerial and individual contributor roles to more coveted positions. The Company is led by Ricky Robinson and Keith Powell, two Black men who have overcome their challenging upbringings to reach C-Suite level positions in their careers. As strong proponents of equity, inclusion and social justice, the two have mentored hundreds of professionals across multiple industries, functions, and managerial levels, while assisting them to excel in their careers and advocate for the right seat at the table.
“We launched C-CRETS as a comprehensive platform that has two major components. The podcast offers career development tips based on our experience as Black men who have beaten the odds to rise to the topmost positions on the corporate ladder. We also have personal executive coaching services that are aimed at providing equity for those who have been overlooked and underappreciated for far too long to advance to the top of the corporate ladder…”, said Powell while outlining the company’s platform.
Robinson added, “As an HR Executive, I understand that women, people of color and LBGTQ professionals are woefully underrepresented in the top ranks of corporate America. C-CRETS was launched to close that gap as well as educate Corporate America on the added burdens faced by their Black and underrepresented colleagues. Our platform is for all professionals who want to transform their careers and create a positive legacy.”
Those who have benefited from the C-CRETS Founders sharing their experiences and offering personalized coaching tell of the great support and encouragement they received from them. In a testimonial from a podcast listener, she describes receiving a 25% base salary pay increase, stock options and 100% medical insurance coverage saving her more than $300 per month. Similar sentiments are echoed by Sales, Program Management, IT, HR and Finance professionals. Ricky and Keith excel at helping professionals create personal brands, break out from the clutter, and take control of their careers.
C-CRETS invites professional employees at any level to take the journey with them, so they can help transform careers and create equity in Corporate America.
C-CRETS is a platform for professionals seeking transformative career advice and support. The Platform aims at building a community – a supportive and connected network working to break through and get their appropriate seat at the table. With C-CRETS, there are gems to be offered in support of career journeys and equity in the workplace. Led by individuals who have traveled similar journeys, where they have overcome the odds as Black men and broken the cycle to rise to the top rungs of the corporate ladder – a place that few minorities reach. C-CRETS is about bringing that knowledge from the darkness to the light.
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Keith Powell
(510) 485-9535