Welcome to The New Renaissance and another edition of SWAAM Spoken Word Art & Music
The Barbara Morrison Performing Arts Center | 4305 Degnan Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90008
Friday, December 1 · 8 – 11pm PST
Welcome to The New Renaissance and another edition of SWAAM Spoken Word Art & Music. Open Mic, Live Band, Wine Bar. Catered Food, VIP Tables with bottle service and another Incredible Feature artist for your listening pleasure. “Candy Baby” will be in the building! “Candy Baby” is an advocate, mother, friend, and 20-plus-year-in-the-making creator from Los Angeles, CA. At the end of 2021, she found her work within the anti-trafficking movement no longer fulfilling her passion. Media narratives only depicted one side of the story of the men and women who often shared the same traumatic background’ She’s been on a literary social justice mission using performing arts and storytelling to raise awareness of the environmental microsystems that constitute the parameters of youth crimes. She fell in love with writing after hearing Maya Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman recited after watching Poetic Justice in 1993. Since then, she has found writing a therapeutic device to express feelings she could not convey to the people around her.