GET THERE EARLY!! CHECK-IN OPENS AT 8:00 Brought to you by Cedars-Sinai. Join us for an exciting day of mentorship & exposure!
Saturday, April 5 · 8am – 2pm
Join us for an exciting day of mentorship, hands-on activities and networking as we strengthen the future of health care. Students, parents, educators, healthcare professionals and community leaders are all welcome!
Brought to you by Cedars-Sinai
Cedars-Sinai is a nonprofit academic healthcare organization serving the diverse Los Angeles community and beyond. With pioneering medical research achievements, education programs defining the future of healthcare, and wide-ranging community benefit activities, we’re setting new standards for quality and innovation in patient care.
About this Event
Black Men In White Coats started in 2013 in response to an alarming report that highlighted the decreasing number of black men applying to medical school. We have worked closely with medical schools, high schools, and physicians to provide inspiration and mentorship to our youth who may be interested in healthcare as a profession.
We are continuing this work in April by bringing students, educators, parents, physicians, and community leaders together for a full day summit! Over the course of the day, students will engage in hands-on activities and network with healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds. Everyone is welcome! The goal is to inspire and show them that there are people who look like them in this field, and if we can do it, they can do it.
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided